Friday 21 August 2015

Junaid Ali's discourse- Idea Origination and its Perpetuation.

From my Art Works Collection: "The Dive Of Fountain Heads".           

Mostly what we do is inspired from quotations and books  and verbal stories and speeches that inspire us (+T.V) Its entirely safe to assume that who consumed such pieces of work had their inspiration form something/someone else and  not entirely their own.
So if we trace a thought back to its source,
It will eventually be,
Not its source.
What truly is an original thought?
An original Idea?
and is there such a thing?
Or are we , and those who inspire us, all building upon a single idea?
Manipulating, transmitting via great works, interpreting, camouflaging as their own and transmitting again!
It is my utmost belief that in this process of transformation, we evolve to adapt an ever-changing environment, while keeping the original, singular thought/idea, consistent and fundamental.

That idea is God.
Al-Mubdi (The Originator)

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